Rabia Trust Hospital

Fire-fighting Drill Session

Conducting a fire-fighting drill session is crucial for ensuring the safety of occupants in any building or facility. Below is a detailed description of how such a session might be organized:

  • Briefing:
    • Gather all participants at a designated assembly point.
    • Conduct a briefing to outline the objectives, procedures, and safety precautions.
    • Emphasize the importance of following instructions, staying calm, and prioritizing safety at all times.
  • Simulation:
    • Initiate the drill by simulating a fire scenario using appropriate props or alarms.
    • Communicate the location of the simulated fire and any relevant hazards to participants.
    • Practice evacuating the building using designated escape routes and assembly points.
    • Demonstrate the proper use of fire extinguishers for small fires, emphasizing the PASS technique (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep).